Equine Car Boot

Book a space to sell!


To book a space, please log in

Come and join us on Sunday 8th June to sell your Equine Tack, Equipment and kit!

To book a pitch choose from the options below, prices starting at £10.00 for a car. 

Buyers welcome from: 9am onwards (free entry for buyers)

Sellers welcome from: 8:30am to set up

When you arrive you will be checked in (you must book a space) and you will be allocated an area to set up, this area will be assigned to 1 vechicle only. 

Cars (inclusive of trucks,4x4): £10.00

Vans (transits or caddy): £15.00

Lorry or vechicles towing a trailer: £20.00


Raising money for RDA UK Charity no. 244108